O Fugail Israel dwg fi 'mlaen
O Fugail Israel dwg fi'n mlaen

(Pen y daith)
1,2,(3),4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13;  1,2,3,8,11.
O Fugail Israel dwg fi 'mlaen,
  I'r dawel lân orphwysfa:
I'th nefol lŷs,
    o'm poen a'm pla,
  I ganu Aleluia.

I Sion wych, paradwys wiw,
  Lle mae fy Nuw'n cartrefu;
Gael rhoddi 'mhwys, a chuddio 'mhen,
  Yn mynwes wen yr Iesu.

Myfyrio fod
    fath hyfryd le
  O fewn i'r nef yn barod,
Sy'n gwneud i'm henaid cu bob cam
  Hiraethu am ymddattod.

Yn angau caf nefolaidd gôr,
  Angylion o'r disgleiria',
I'm dwyn o'm briw at deulu bra'
  Sy'n canu Aleluia.

Ar aden Cerub âf yn hy'
  Trwy ganol
      llu'r gelynion,
Nes d'od yn llwyr, er gwaetha'r llid,
  I hyfryd fynydd Seion.

Ond myn'd trwy lys
    Caersalem lon, 
  Caf gwrdd
      a'm ffyddlon Frenhin,
Yn agor drws y nefoedd draw,
  Ac yn ei law fe'm derbyn.

Cael cwrdd a wnaf o fewn i'r ne'
  A'r fardaidd bererinion;
Ac yn eu plith câf foli'm Ner
  A phêr ganiadau Seion.

Ffarwel gaethiwed yno mwy,
  Chaiff angau'n hwy deyrnasu;
I dragwyddoldeb câf, mewn hwyl,
  Iawn gadw gwyl i'r Iesu.

Fel haul yn y ffurfafen bur,
  Câf fod mewn gwir ddisgleirdeb:
Neu fel y sêr llewyrchu câ'
  Hyd eitha' trag'wyddoldeb.

Y wisg a'r goron
    câf i'm rhan,
  Sy 'nghadw gan yr Iesu;
A'r hyfryd balmwydd yn fy llaw,
  Ca'i'n Seion draw deyrnasu.

Ymborthi gâf mewn gwlad uwch ben,
  Ar ffrwythau pren y bywyd
Ac yfed byth heb boen na chur,
  O afon bur a hyfryd.

Lle na's daw pechod, byd, na chnawd,
  Na gwŷn, na gwawd, na thristwch;
Ond perffaith hedd, a chariad pur,
  A nefol wir ddiddanwch.

Ni's gwn yn iawn,
    tr'wy' ar y dda'r,
  Mo'r hyfryd ffâr sydd yno;
Ond gwynfyd, medd fy enaid prudd,
  A welai'r dydd yn gwawrio!

              - - - - -

O Fugail Israel dwg fi 'mlaen,
  I'r dawel lân orphwysfa:
I'th nefol lys
    o'm poen a'm pla,
  I ganu Haleluia.

Er bod yn hir mewn anial fan,
  Yn 'mofyn am orphwysfa;
O'r diwedd daethum (rhyfedd fraint,)
  I'r man mae'r
      saint yn gwledda.

Y wisg a'r goron
    gaf i'm rhan,
  Sy'n nghadw gan yr Iesu,
A'r hyfryd balmwydd
    yn fy llaw,
  Cai'n Sïon draw deyrnasu.

Ymborthi caf mewn gwlad uwch ben,
  Ar ffrwythau Pren y Bywyd;
Ac yfed byth heb boen na chur,
  O afon bur a hyfryd.

Ni all Satan, deddf,
    na gweddill bai,
  I ddamnio rhai crediniol;
Mae gwaed, yr Oen
    âg uchel lef,
  O fewn i'r nef yn eiriol.

              - - - - -

O Fugail Israel, dwg fi 'mlaen
  I'r dawel lân orphwysfa,
I'th nefol lys
    o'm poen a'm pla,
  I ganu haleluia.

O tywys fi trwy'r anial dir,
  Nes d'od o'r eglur fywyd,
At fy nghyfeillion sy' mewn hedd
  Yn gweled fy Anwylyd.

            - - - - -

O Fugail Israel! dwg fi 'mlaen,
  I'r dawel lân orphwysfa -
I'th nefol lys
    o 'mhoen a 'mhla,
  I wledda ar y manna.
I Seion wych, Paradwys wiw,
  Lle mae fy Nuw'n cartrefu,
Gael rhoddi 'mhwys a chuddio 'mhen
  Yn mynwes wen yr Iesu.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Elizabeth (Rowland H Prichard 1811-87)
George's (<1811)
Goldel (J H Schein 1586-1630)
Llanberis (<1835)

Tôn [MSD 8787D]:
Glanwydden (John H Roberts 1848-1924)

  Er bod yn hir mewn anial fan
  Euogrwydd pechod oedd yn bwn
  Gwyn fyd y rhai dilëaist eu bai
  Sancteiddrwydd im' yw'r Oen di-nàm
  Yn mynwes glyd yr anwyl Oen

(The destination)
O Shepherd of Israel lead me on,
  To the quiet, holy resting-place:
To thy heavenly court,
    from my pain and my plague,
  To sing Hallelujah.

To brilliant Zion, worthy paradise,
  Where my God is making a home;
To get to lean, and hide my head,
  In the bright bosom of Jesus.

To meditate that there is
    such a lovely place
  Within heaven ready,
Which is making my dear soul every step
  Long for release.

In death I shall get a heavenly choir,
  Of Angels of the shiniest,
To take me from my bruise to a fine family
  Who are singing Hallelujah.

On a cherub's wings I shall go boldly
  Through the centre
      of the host of enemies,
Until coming completely, despite the wrath,
  To the delightful mountain of Zion.

But going through the court
    of cheerful Jerusalem,
  I shall get to meet
      with my faithful King,
Opening the door of yonder heaven,
  And in his hand he will receive me.

Get to meet I shall within heaven
  With the poetic pilgrims;
And in their midst I may praise my Master
  With the sweet songs of Zion.

Farewell captivity there evermore,
  Death shall no longer get to reign;
For eternity I shall get, joyfully,
  Truly to keep festival to Jesus.

Like a sun in the pure firmament,
  I shall get to be in true radiance:
Or like the stars to shine I shall get
  To a most extreme eternity.

The dress and the crown
    I shall get for my portion,
  Which is kept by Jesus;
With the delightful palm branch in my hand,
  I shall get in Zion yonder to reign.

To feed I shall get in a land above,
  On the fruits of the tree of life
And drink forever without pain or ache,
  From a pure and delightful river.

Where come neither sin, world, nor flesh,
  Nor complaint, nor scorn, nor sadness;
But perfect peace, and pure love,
  And true, heavenly comfort.

I know not truly,
    through myself on the earth,
  Any delightful fare that is there;
But blessedness, my sad soul shall possess,
  And I shall see the day dawning!

                - - - - -

O Shepherd of Israel lead me on,
  To the quiet, holy resting-place:
To thy heavenly court
    from my pain and my plague,
  To sing Hallelujah.

Although long in a desert place,
  Asking for a resting-place;
Eventually I came (a wonderful privilege,)
  To the place where the
      saints are feasting.

The clothing and the crown
    I will get for my portion,
  Which are kept by Jesus,
With the delightful palm branch
    in my hand,
  I will get to rule in yonder Zion.

To feed I will get in a land above,
  On the fruits of the Tree of Life;
And drink forever without pain or ache,
  From a pure and delightful river.

Not Satan, law,
    nor the remnant of fault can
  Condemn believing ones;
The blood is, of the Lamb
    with a loud voice,
  Within heaven interceding.

                - - - - -

O Shepherd of Israel lead me on
  To the quiet, holy resting-place,
To thy heavenly court
    from my pain and my plague,
  To sing hallelujah.

O guide me through the desert place,
  Until coming from the clear life,
To my friends who are in peace
  Seeing my Beloved.

             - - - - -

O Shepherd of Israel, lead me on!
  To the quiet, holy resting-place -
To thy heavenly court
    from my pain and my plague,
  To feast on the manna.
To brilliant Zion, a worthy Paradise,
  Where my God is residing,
To get to lean and hide my head
  In the white breast of Jesus.
tr. 2016,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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